The Australia Post Will Kit is Dead!

Most people think that to draft a binding legal Will you need to visit a stuffy lawyer’s office, and that’s simply not true.

If your legal affairs are not overly complicated you can draft your own Will provided that you follow the required format and rules as set out in your jurisdiction.

Long live the Will Kit!

The traditional Post Office Will Kits you can purchase at Australia Post or your local newsagency will certainly help you draft your own legally binding will but it will only do this for you one time only. This is because the Australia Post Office Will Kit is a single-use handwritten document.

A will should be, if you pardon the pun, a living document - that means it gets redone every time your life changes, like when you have children, buy or sell a home, or you retire.

With the traditional Australian Post Office Will Kit you’ll only be able to use it once and when your circumstances change you’ll need to purchase and handwrite another.  

Fortunately, there are other options

You can draft your Will online completely FREE with Legal Zebra!

Just answers a few simple questions and you'll instantly receive a draft Will in your inbox. Check it over and make sure it expresses all your final wishes. Then once you are happy with the Will document, you can purchase a final version ready to sign.

The whole process, from whoa-to-go, usually takes less than 20 minutes.

Plus, it will save you time going to your local newsagent or popping into the post office. And, it's private! Nobody is going to see you walking out with a Will Kit so you can keep your affairs confidential.

Legal Zebra's Will Kit 2.0: Answer a few simple questions and instantly receive a FREE draft Will in your inbox.

Typing your details into a document is easier and more flexible than the traditional post office Will Kit which is why many people prefer to make online Wills.

If you make a mistake you can simply re-type the details. It's not so easy when you are writing out details by hand with a pen, particularly because you shouldn't use "white out" or scribble things out in your Will or it could look like some one has tried to alter it, and affect the validity of the Will.

So, unless you're really old skool, it's time to dispense with the hand written Last Will & Testament and make your Will online.

Not only does Legal Zebra offer a better will kit with video instructions, they also give you the option to update it anytime on your computer, whenever your life circumstances change. For example, you should update your Will when you get a new partner, get married, have a baby or get divorced. And, of course, if your assets change and for example you have a new property you want to gift.

Legal Zebra call the update service Updates Anytime Forever. You'll never have to handwrite your Will again and you can update it online whenever you want!

Create a FREE draft Will now >

Who needs a Will?

Everyone needs a will but no one likes to think about it and that’s usually for two reasons, one being that no one likes talking about graduating from life and two, a lot of people think they don’t own anything and therefore don’t have anything to leave.

Only the first point is true, the second is definitely not, everyone owns something and you usually own more than you think you do: A home, savings, personal items of sentimental value and all the things you own can be left to others in a Will.

Make sure you write your Will. And, when you do, the easiest way is with the online Will Kit we like to call Will Kit 2.0. It includes video instructions, guiding you on how to answer each question so you can make a fail-safe will that's legally binding.

This system is designed by an Australian lawyer, specifically for Australians, so you can use it regardless of whether you live in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland or you're making a Will in South Australia, Tasmania or any other part of Australia.

To recap, everyone needs a Will which is why we’ve put together a better Will Kit.

Tips for writing your Australian Legal Will

  • Creating your Will is easy and doesn't take much time to do.
  • Answer a few simple questions online and you can have a Will sent to your email address.
  • You don't need to go and visit a lawyer's office or handwrite a Will with the old fashioned Will Kit. There's now a better way.
  • Stay at home and use an online Will Kit. It saves you a trip to the local newsagent or Australia Post office.
  • When you choose Legal Zebra's Updates Anytime Forever plan, for a small annual fee, you can update your Will or make a new Will anytime your life circumstances change.
  • Be as specific as possible when you make any specific gifts in your Will. If what you leave behind isn’t described in sufficient detail then your wishes may not be carried out.
  • Talk to the people you are appointing as executors of your estate before you appoint them so they know of your wishes and remember, if your relationship with those people changes, then this should be reflected in your Will.
  • You can leave instructions for your funeral arrangements in your Will but make sure you also speak about these with your family well in advance.
  • Store your Will in a safe and secure place but also let people know where they can find it. Wills should not be hidden secretly or else they may never be found!
  • In Australia, to create a binding legal Will, you don't need to register it with the Australian Government or have it notarised. Simply have it witnessed in front of two adults who are independent. That is, they won't inherit anything under your Will. You can go next door to your neighbours or sit down with some friends, have a cup of tea, and ask them to witness you signing the document.
  • To learn more, read How to Make a Will in Australia.
  • To see how it works and create a FREE DRAFT click here.
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